Let's acknowledge that 2020 has been quite a year—one that none of us saw coming! For these reasons, we are all the more humbled and grateful for the generosity and support we’ve been able to provide because of people like you. Since we had to cancel all of our fundraising events early on, we felt deep concern for the people we are supporting in the Middle East and Asia as they faced the same pandemic as us, only on top of extreme poverty, threat, and slavery. But, while navigating a global pandemic, economic shut downs, isolation and grief, you showed up for them and offered yourself to elevate humanity and bring collective good. We ended up reaching our goals and able to do far more than we thought possible! That’s why you are invited to zoom out and look at a bigger picture—a hope-filled one. A picture of what you have accomplished by using your privilege and resources to participate with us in offering real, tangible hope to real, tangible people. Below are some of the highlights of the year, some of the good that has been accomplished in the midst of everything else. Take a look and celebrate some of the ways you helped bring hope into a hard, hard year. From all of us at All People Free, thank you so much for being in this with us. It means everything. Education:
Even with interruptions in schooling due to Covid-19 lockdowns, we were able to make progress through our primary and trade schools:
Covid-19: During the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we have been able to partner with our sewing students, teachers, and other professionals to bring aid to families in crisis:
Anna’s House: With your help, we were able to get Anna's House—our first restoration home—up and running:
In the midst of Covid-19, we have seen some amazing acts of courage and comradery that are giving us hope.
All People Free has made temporary shifts in focus to be able to respond to the immediate needs of the families we normally support through education, skills training, and small business loans. Our team has quickly risen to the occasion, putting every effort into caring for those most vulnerable during this time. Here’s some things we’ve been able to do:
Covid-19 requires the best of us, and I do mean to say us. While many are confined to our homes, there is a deep sense that we are all in this together. Nations are uniting, medical facilities are merging, and competing suppliers are working together to fill the most pressing needs. We are more aware than ever that we are all connected through the pandemic that is facing our world. Together, we will not only come through the challenges that face us, but we will be better because of them!
At All People Free our work is to end slavery for those stuck in the brick kilns. We are clearer on that mission now than ever before. We believe with your help we will see slavery end for millions. While we continue to support our work in the brickyards, these uncertain times have changed some of the immediate needs we are faced with. The health and safety of our students and families are our first priority. Currently, our schools are on hold to try to slow the spread of covid-19. We are continuing to pay our teachers and partners through this time, and they are doing everything they can to keep themselves and their families safe while also staying connected to the brickyards and families needs. |
October 2024