Indentured Servitude was an economic system that became popular in the early modern period in Europe and North America. In contrast to chattel slavery, indentured servitude required that a worker sell their labor at no wage in exchange for a fixed payment or to fulfil a legal obligation. These indentures had no regulations for the working conditions of the servants, leading to brutal working conditions. As a result, many servants died before their obligations had been fulfilled, passing the debt to their living family members. So while indentured servitude differed from slavery in its terms and social status, it too was a system of unfree labor that led to the misery and death of its victims. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights declared in 1948 that both indentured servitude and slavery are antithetical to human rights. Despite this, indentured servitude and other forms of unfree labor persist today.
All People Free is a nonprofit organization that seeks to end slavery and indentured servitude in the modern world, where millions of people still find themselves under the heavy hand of this form of slavery. Doing so requires help from people like you. Currently, All People Free is focused on the brickyards of Pakistan, where workers of all generations face conditions akin to modern-day slavery. Like the indentured servants of the past, these workers are coerced into deplorable working conditions with little compensation for their work. While indentures would one day end, the debt and wage slavery of brick workers persists indefinitely. All People Free has a number of initiatives that seek to aid these people and their conditions. Your support can make a difference in their lives and the lives of their families. |