The exploitation of children is one of the most grievous crimes one can commit. Unfortunately, this crime occurs every day under the guise of human trafficking, a global multi-billion dollar industry. Often, poverty forces families to place their children into the workforce, usually in cruel and unregulated conditions. Further, this austerity leaves children vulnerable to further exploitation in the home or workplace. Lack of legal protection or economic despair leave these children fully subject to a heinous form of modern slavery.
No place is this more prevalent and appalling than the brickyards of Pakistan. Here, many children are born into modern slavery, forced to work in order to pay their parent’s housing debts. While they toil in the clay, the interest on their family’s debt accrues faster than their combined wages. This cruel system extracts the dignity of generations in exchange for profit. Thankfully, there’s something you can do to alleviate the hardships these children face. All People Free is a nonprofit organization working to alleviate the conditions in the brickyards. With your support, our programs can have a larger impact. All People Free has three initiatives that are designed to help people in the brickyards. The first aims to pay off household debts and liberate people directly. The second seeks to create schools and educate children, such that they can seek better opportunities for their future. The third invests money into other brickyards, ones that have better technology, higher wages and better conditions. Your help is needed to make these initiatives succeed. See how you can get involved today. Comments are closed.