Most people think that slavery and its incarnations are a relic of human history. While much of our pre-modern world was built on the backs of slaves, we are inclined to believe that the progress of modernity was due to systems of free labor. While it’s true that slavery has been legally abolished in many countries, insidious systems of slavery still persist throughout the world. In fact, modern slavery exists in both the developed and developing world in various forms. In the United States, modern slavery is most associated with human trafficking, and the cruel underground economy that it operates within. However, in other parts of the world, modern slavery happens at the surface and goes completely unpunished.
An example of this in the developing world is in the brickyards of Pakistan. Here, modern slavery traps generations of workers into inescapable debt, preventing them from achieving any social, legal, or economic means of escaping their condition. Thankfully, there are people and organizations trying to eliminate this practice, and they need your help. All People Free is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the elimination of modern slavery in Pakistan. All People Free provides debt relief, education, and investment in these workers, freeing them and their families from these inhumane conditions. If you’re passionate about ending modern slavery, partnering with All People Free is a great place to start. See how you can get involved and combat modern slavery. Comments are closed.