Sex trafficking is one of the most heinous forms of modern slavery. This form of human trafficking occurs when people enslave other people for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Despite the depravity of this practice, the International Labor Organization estimates that 4.5 million people are victims of forced sexual exploitation. In addition, this heinous industry is estimated to represent about $99 billion in transactions. Sex trafficking occurs throughout the world with varied attempts to combat the practice. While sex trafficking is one of the most disgusting forms of modern slavery, forced sexual exploitation is a possiblity in any system of unfree labor.
Unfree labor describes a relationship in which one person labors against their will and are subject to destitution, detention, or violence if they refuse to work. In most dire situations, violence may be an additional condition of the victim’s labor. In unfree labor systems throughout the world, modern slavery manifests as violence against women and children. One such place are the brickyards of Pakistan. Here, workers are subjected to a system of unfree labor where entire families are trapped in debt, unable to make enough wages to pay the rising interests. Those who attempt to flee may be punished with violence. This thoroughly coercive system exploits families for their productive labor under threat of violence and destitution. All People Free is taking steps to end this exploitation and violence, and we need your support to do so. By partnering with All People Free, you can help pay off familial debts, educate the children of the brickyards, or invest in more humane models of brick manufacturing. Learn more about All People Free and see how you can support our mission. Comments are closed.